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Unique metal sculptures handmade in Australia. Suitable for indoors and outdoors these Teangi's sculptures feature nature and animals. Teangi also creates custom pet caricatures - immortalising your pet in steel.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Patience young Grasshopper

Here he his... hopping along in the sun (where is the sun anyway???). My little grasshopper (or you could call him a cricket if you were that way inclined).

Those of you who know my work know that I love, love, love red! I can't get enough of it and actually have to refrain from having EVERYTHING red!
I think this is a disease... and I know there are others out there with the same affliction!

In any case red does look good in the garden and looks great against the green and brown backgrounds. It adds colour and brightens up the garden even for those 'brown thumbs' out there.

So although he is not true to life, unless someone can tell me of a red grasshopper (???), he surely is handsome.

He stands approximately 50cm tall and 60cm long and is ready to bounce!
He is made from steel and paint with wire for his antennae and a couple of sparkling cork caps for eyes!
Hop on...
You can see other creatures in my crew by visiting my website at www.sculpturebyteangi.com.au

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